Emotive - Sold Out

Emotive - Sold Out


(up to four participants can be used)

A participant mentally selects a word (or up to four words) from a group of words related to personality characteristics. They are asked to visualize this word, and to put themselves in an emotional state based on it.

With no questions, the mentalist begins to describe how the participant is feeling, what they are visualizing, and ultimately reveals the exact word they are thinking of!

Emotive can be performed as a demonstration of mind reading, body language reading, micro expression analysis, or wherever your imagination leads you.

· All of the words are different

· No Binary Principle

· No Fishing

· No Progressive Anagrams

· Instantly Repeatable

· Up to four participants can be used (or multiple words can be selected by one participant)

Includes four cards and downloadable instructions.

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