Showstopper Prophecy

Showstopper Prophecy


Showstopper Prophecy is an impossible prediction system that is meant to be used as a closer or encore performance. One great way to use Showstopper Prophecy is to show that you knew in advance the outcome of impossible to know, random outcomes that took place during your show. This works as a call back to your earlier performance and shows that you knew well in advance some of the free choices your participants would make.

It begins as a demonstration of your participant's intuition and ends with an amazing display of your intuition. During this demonstration, it is shown that you predicted the choices the participant would make during this demonstration, as well as unique, specific things that happened throughout your show that you could not have possibly known in advance.

With some adjustments to the presentation, you can use Showstopper Prophecy to predict anything, including lottery numbers, sporting events, newspaper headlines, political races, meals people will order at a restaurant and the check total, or anything that you so desire.


Before your show, you hand an envelope to the host of the event for safekeeping - you never have to touch the envelope again (alternatively, the envelope could be mailed weeks in advance). You explain that it contains a game that will demonstrate the power of your host's intuition, which will take place later.

When the time comes to play, the envelope is opened by the participant who removes its contents - two folded and paperclipped index cards. It is explained that on the inside the cards are designated Card Number One and Card Number Two, and they each contain a short note that will hopefully show the power of your intuition.

The participant is instructed to mix the cards and, using her intuition, attempt to find the card that she believes is Card Number One...she can change her mind if she likes (this is a free choice). Upon opening the card, she finds that it is indeed labeled Card Number One! Not only that but as she reads, she finds that you predicted details about her selection process, including that she wouldn’t change her mind, as well as details of random things that happened earlier during your show!

Next, the participant mixes the two cards again and attempts to find Card Number Two. Again, she does so successfully! Upon reading Card Number Two, she finds that you predicted that she will correctly select Card Number Two on her 2nd attempt! Incredibly, upon further reading, she finds that some other random, impossible to know events that happened during your show were also predicted!

Everything is left with the participant and there is nothing to find.

Includes PDF and brief video instruction.

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